Not your mother's puppet show: 'Avenue Q' visits the Scenic Drive

Not your mother's puppet show: 'Avenue Q' visits the Scenic Drive

Award-winning "puppet show for adults" Avenue Q is on at the Pieter Toerien Main Theatre at Montecasino until Sunday, 15 July 2018.

avenue q_nieke
Jacaranda FM

Avenue Q invites the audience on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery as Princeton moves from college life to the real world and navigates all the challenges on the way. 
This play, acted by puppets and featuring an award-winning songbook, uses humour and sharp observations about society to tell a story everyone can relate to. 

With its PG-16 rating, Avenue Q is not an ordinary puppet musical.

It deals with themes of coming of age, finding a purpose and growing into your identity, as this fun scene demonstrates.

Some scenes in Avenue Q deal with the dating struggles that all young people face. Rian had a great time chatting to one of the characters, Lucy, about what it takes to maintain a relationship in this day and age.

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