Naughty puppy turns living room into winter wonderland

Naughty puppy turns living room into winter wonderland

This naughty puppy left his family shocked after he tore a beanbag apart and scattered its contents everywhere.

Dog turns living room into winter wonderland

Neil Kemp was shocked to find his living room looking like a winter wonderland at his home in South Wales, Daily mail reported.

The video shows Neil shouting at his naughty puppy Rocco, who seems to be very embarrassed by his actions.

According to reports, Mr Kemp's girlfriend let Rocco go outside to relieve himself, but she left the back door open. When he came downstairs, he was shocked to find his living room looking like it had been hit by a snowstorm. 

He told Daily Mail that it took roughly four hours to clean up and during the process, they had to empty the vacuum about 25 times!

ALSO WATCH: Heroic police dog passes away, celebrated by co-workers

What would you do if your pet did something like this?

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