'Naked ninja' tackles car thief

'Naked ninja' tackles car thief

Newcastle resident Stephen Cullen sprang into action as soon as he spotted a car thief - not wasting any time on getting dressed first. 

ninja on the street
Unsplash/Lasaye Hommes

While enjoying a quiet night at home in Newcastle with his girlfriend Nicola, Stephen Cullen heard suspicious noises outside. He soon realised that it was someone trying to steal his Range Rover and he immediately ran out of the house to apprehend the thief. 

Stephen, who was stark naked at the time, did not hesitate to tackle the thief before he could get away with his car, which he describes as his "pride and joy". Security cameras at his home captured the bizarre confrontation. 

Nicola ran out (clothed in a dressing gown) to see her boyfriend fighting the thief; any neighbours who had come out to see what the commotion was about would have gotten an eyeful of Stephen. 

Stephen says the thief was at a loss when he saw the owner of the car advancing on him: "The guy realised I was naked. He didn't know where to put his hands."

Police pursued the suspect, who would turn out to be drunk. Stephen and Nicola, happy that the thief could not make away with any of their valuable possessions, did not press any charges.

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