Mentalist Michael Abrahamson talks about his new record challenge

Mentalist Michael Abrahamson talks about his new record challenge

Michael Abrahamson is best known as one of South Africa's foremost sport broadcaters with a passion for mentalism. 

Mentalist Michael Abrahamson talks about his new record challenge
Jacaranda FM

Michael Abrahamson was the first broadcaster in the country to win the prestigious SAB Radio Commentator of Year. One of his main career highlights includes working as SABC'S main English radio commentator at he 2010 FIFA World Cup. 

However, he's passion is in the art of Mentalism. While you may be skeptical, there is more to this art form that meets the eye. Mentalism makes use of the power of the mind with purely scientific methods to achieve the feats that are demonstrated in the shows that Michael performs. 

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Abrahamson's mentalism shows have proven to be a huge success with a vast range of audiences. He formed a company called Powerbrain, where he holds workshops aimed at helping people develop skills he has to acquired to improve memomry and brain function.

Michael is also busy with a new challenge. He has decided to break the record on official PI day, 14 March 2019. He will complete the first 1500 digits of PI in under 5 minutes at a rate of 5 digits per second - more than double the current South African record of speed.

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