Make My Monday: Antoinette can finally smile with confidence again

Make My Monday: Antoinette can finally smile with confidence again

Antoinette Riekert's Make My Monday moment came full-circle when she was finally able to crack a smile after visiting the Dental Spa. 

antoinette after the procedure
Jacaranda FM/Supplied

Antoinette Riekert reached out to Rian with a heartbreaking Make My Monday request: she needed help replacing her false teeth, which had been stolen from her along with her handbag. will be getting new false teeth courtesy of Dental Spa and Dr Walter Reynecke.

Rian may not have been able to help Antoinette get back everything she lost in the robbery, but he was able to reach out to Dr Walter Reynecke at Dental Spa.

Dr Reynecke set Antoinette up with a new set of false teeth, enabling her to take on the world with confidence again. 

antoinette at dental spa
Supplied/Jacaranda FM
antoinette after the procedure
Jacaranda FM/Supplied

If you would like to have your own Make My Monday moment, please send a message to The Scenic Drive on 37942. Begin your request with the words "Make My Monday" and let us know what one little thing would absolutely make your day. 

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