London beekeeper crafts beats as smooth as honey

London beekeeper crafts beats as smooth as honey

Bees are among the most wonderful creatures in nature, so it's no surprise that even their buzzing can create sophisticated electro beats. 

bee electro
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Bioni Samp loves honey. As a lifelong bee enthusiast and beekeeper, he is never in short supply of the golden goodness, but he doesn't want to keep the joy of bees all to himself. 

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From his home in London, Bioni creates electronic music with a twist: the main vocalists on his tracks are his bees. 

Bioni has found a way to connect synthesizers to the beehive in order to channel the buzzing of the bees into a program that creates music. All the bees - including the sacred Queen bee - are involved in the process.

And what does music made by bees sound like? The beats Bioni makes are "deep, droning and instinctual". The music is hypnotising, and that is not a coincidence: Bioni wants the music to inspire people to learn more about nature and, more specifically, about the plight of bees.

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