Listeners take their love to the next level with the Scenic Cruizer

Listeners take their love to the next level with the Scenic Cruizer

Driving around town in the beautiful red Scenic Cruizer is a lot of fun. But it becomes even more memorable if your partner proposes to you while you're out on the town!

chris and wilma
Jacaranda FM

This is one unforgettable Scenic Cruizer moment!

Scenic Drive listener Chris Cordier sent the following SMS through to us:

"Hi, Jacaranda crew,
My name is Chris Cordier from White Ridge in Roodepoort. I am 42 years old. I love Rian van Heerden's Scenic Drive show. Well, the whole Jacaranda FM: your people make my whole day.
I would love to use the Scenic Cruizer to take the best woman in my life out for a night. I also want to take this opportunity to ask her to marry me."

Rian loved the sound of Chris's plan. He and Oom Johannes, the Scenic Cruizer Captain, agreed that Chris should be allowed to take the car for his special date with his girlfriend Wilma Lottering. 

Wilma believed that she and Chris were only going for a special dinner at Fireroom at Montecasino - but she had no idea how special the night would truly be. 

When Chris popped the question, Wilma knew that the answer would be a resounding "yes!".

the couple after he popped the question
Jacaranda FM/Supplied
an overwhelming moment
Jacaranda FM/Supplied
wilma's new ring
Jacaranda FM/Supplied

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