Lightning expert Alexis Barwise unpacks truths, myths about lightning

Lightning expert Alexis Barwise unpacks truths, myths about lightning

Lightning expert Alexis Barwise joined the Scenic Drive to share more about the truths and myths about lightning. 

Alexis Barwise
Supplied/ Alexis Barwise

Over the past few weeks, parts of Gauteng experienced heavy rain, thunderstorms, and lighting. 

There are also a lot of myths around lightning that are believed by some people. Some believe that you should cover all the mirrors in the house to avoid lightning. But how true is that?

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Lighting expert, Alexis Barwise, explained more about lightning and the truths and myths about it. 

Barwise is currently serving as an active member on both national and international standards and technical committees. Recently he has been elected by the SABS as the Chairman of the TC81 mirror committee.

 He is a founding member and vice-chair of the Lightning Protection Practitioners.

"The story about the covering of the mirrors are just a story.

"We have hundreds of cases in South Africa of people that were struck by lightning. You have a better chance of being struck with lightning than winning the lottery," Barwise said.

How to protect yourself:

  • Stand as far away from any tall object with your feet together
  • Avoid touching anything that is steel
  • Avoid tall trees
  • Do not swim, bath or shower when there is lighting

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