Identical siblings' double-wedding a highlight at Twins Day Festival

Identical siblings' double-wedding a highlight at Twins Day Festival

Ohio's annual Twins Day celebrations were the perfect backdrop for the peculiar nuptials.

twin wedding
The double-wedding was a dream come true./Youtube screenshot/News Today

Sisters and twins Brittany and Briana Deane have married Josh and Jeremy Slayers, brothers who are also twins. The nuptials took place on the first weekend of August in Ohio. 

Brittany and Briana have wanted to marry identical twins since they were little girls: "It’s really been a fairy tale come true. Marrying twins is something that’s very important to us."

The real-life version of Brittany and Briana's dream was made more special by the fact that twin pastors married the couples. The wedding took place during the Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, which is named after the identical twins who founded it. The wedding theme was "Twice Upon a Time".

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Brittany and Briana believe they have made the best choice possible by marrying twins, as it is only another pair of identical siblings that can understand the "twin bond"; they are more compatible than many other couples in this way. Neither of the pairs had met before the 2017 Twins Day Festival, which all four were attending for the first time. 

Josh and Jeremy had similar goals, vowing never to tie the knot unless they both fell in love with identical twins. The couples will now live in the same house and raise their children together. 

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