'I want to change the perception of beauty' - unique facial birthmark Miss SA finalist

'I want to change the perception of beauty' - unique facial birthmark Miss SA finalist

Kgothatso Dithebe is a Miss South Africa finalist who wants to show others that being different can be a blessing.

Miss South Africa 2019
Jacaranda FM

Kgothatso Dithebe made headlines all around the country for being the first finalist to show off her unique birthmark on her face. 

Dithebe is a 24-year-old LLB student from Centurion.

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Growing up, Kgothatso’s birthmark made her feel insecure and often being ridiculed by her peers.

Dithebe wants to bring hope to those who ‘feel mistreated, misplaced or misunderstood.'

Rian van Heerden is extremely impressed and inspired by Kgothatso Dithebe and decided to invite her to the studio. 

"I'm different looking, and everyone notices my birthmark first."

"People told me I would not get jobs because I look to different."

"I would like to bring a difference and change - especially to the perception of beauty."

She wants to show others that being different can be a blessing.

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