How far would you go for Lions tickets?

How far would you go for Lions tickets?

Heinrich Lemmer took to the streets to fight for tickets to watch the Bulls take on the Lions. 

heinrich lemmer

Rian loves hearing the crazy ideas that the Scenic Drive listeners come up with. That's why when one Heinrich Lemmer's message came across his desk he knew immediately that he had a winner on his hands. 

Heinrich's request was simple: he wants six tickets to the Bulls versus Lions game at Loftus Versfeld. 

"Hello Rian,

 Hope it's going great!
Look here: I want to watch rugby on the 14th of July. The Bulls are taking on the Lions, it's going to be an exciting game. There are six of us who want to go and I'm wondering: can you make a plan for us to get tickets? Of course, there's something I am willing to do for you and Jacaranda FM in return.

Come on Rian, help a guy out here!"

Who could ignore a request like that?

Heinrich said he was willing to strip down, paint himself purple, and run across the field at Loftus Versfeld. But Rian had a better idea: how about Heinrich goes out into the street to play a special version of "strip poker" in order to earn the tickets?

In "Strip Recruitment", Heinrich has to convince as many people outside an Edenvale shopping centre as possible to support the Bulls. If they agree, he can keep his clothes on. If they don't, he loses an item of clothing. 

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