He tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train but instead lost his legs

He tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train but instead lost his legs

Daryl Brown jumped in front of the train in a desperate attempt to end his life but survived - today he shares his story. 

Daryl Brown

Daryl Brown asked God to save his soul before jumping in front of a train in 2013. 

The Capetonian was at the London Tube Station when he made the decision that would change his life forever. 

Also, See: 'Children need help with their mental health' - Rian van Heerden after pupil's suicide

Brown shared his emotional story with The Scenic Drive with Rian team on Monday. 

“I went to London to study, hoping to work there. I struggled with depression for so many years and I had to stop everything. 

“It all started when I was 12. I was bullied at school for being gay. I went to university and I thought things would get better when I finished my degree.”

"I decided to step in front of a train because I didn’t want to leave a mess or a body for my flatmates to find. I also deactivated my Facebook account. I also told all my London friends that I was moving back to Cape Town because I didn’t want any of them to find out about my suicide.

“I didn’t want to burden my friends or family members with my issues. Everyone had their own troubles and I wanted to deal with mine on my own."

Brown had been struggling with depression for a while and had moved to the UK in hopes of building a new life. 

He had sent an email to his mother prior to the attempted suicide explaining his desperate decision. It was at the hospital that he was diagnosed with depression and was put on antidepressants. Brown now lives in Cape Town and is a motivational speaker, using his tragedy to inspire others. 

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