Gary Player tells Kriya that his first great-grandchild is on the way!

Gary Player tells Kriya that his first great-grandchild is on the way!

Mr Player has 22 grandchildren - and his first great-grandchild is on the way.

gary player Kriya
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On Monday night, Gary Player was inducted into the South African Sports Hall of Fame at Sun City at a star-studded ceremony with Cornea Botha entertaining the guests for the evening.

I was lucky enough to attend the ceremony and when I arrived at Sun City I bumped into the man of the moment, who was in need of an urgent lift to the golf course.

ALSO READ: Been, seen and conquered - Gary Player at 81

Of course I jumped at the opportunity to give the master of golf a lift and we had quite an interesting chat as well.

He chatted to me about his family, if he really remembers all 22 of his grandchildren's names, if he still has his first set of clubs, and what his secrets to success are.

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