EXCLUSIVE: Vice-President Kamala Harris' close friend talks Inauguration Day

EXCLUSIVE: Vice-President Kamala Harris' close friend talks Inauguration Day

A close friend of Vice-President Kamala Harris shared highlights of the historic Inauguration Day. 

Derreck Johnson
Supplied/ Derreck Johnson

On Wednesday, Kamala Harris made history as she was sworn in as the first woman to hold the position as Vice-President of the United States. 

EXCLUSIVE: Vice-President Kamala Harris' close friend shares childhood memories

A long-time friend of Harris, Derreck Johnson, was one of the guests at the Inauguration Day. He joined the Scenic Drive to talk about his friendship with Harris, her success, and the day she was sworn in. 

"The biggest highlight for me was watching her taking the oath of office. She told us that we are the reason why she's here."

"Afterwards there was a concert with Katy Perry, John Legend and we all watch the show." 

"We didn't meet any celebrities. The biggest celebrity we saw was the Vice-President." 

Derreck Johnson
Supplied/ Derreck Johnson

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