Everything you need to know about solar power

Everything you need to know about solar power

Eskom CEO André de Ryter has warned that South Africa will not face a total blackout. But for how long will load shedding continue? Is solar power the future? An energy expect answered questions regarding solar power. 

Michael Erasmus
Jacaranda FM

Eskom CEO André de Ruyter and members of the Eskom management team briefed the media on Wednesday amid the rolling blackouts.

READ: Eskom downgrades to stage 3 load shedding on Wednesday night

The issues facing the power grid have seen some experts warn that the system could be teetering on the brink of collapse.

But De Ruyter has moved to assure South Africans that this is not the case.

READ: Eskom’s De Ruyter warns against ‘fear mongering’ around total blackout

“We have never experienced a system blackout in SA, so we have to look further afield to see what happens. We have the example of a blackout that struck New York in 1978 and took them under a week to bring it back.

“But we are quite a long way away from a total system blackout or collapse and that is why the terminology matters when we discuss these things, so I would caution against speculation and fear-mongering stalking of speculations and fear.

READ: Eskom hoping to suspend load shedding by Friday

“We do have plans in place, we have capabilities and we do not anticipate this as a credible risk at this moment in time.”

Eskom reduced load shedding to stage 3 on Wednesday and could suspend it over the weekend.

Expert Michael Erasmus from Romic Consulting joined the Scenic Drive to talk about solar power. 

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