Emo Adams fulfils a promise to his 8-year-old fan

Emo Adams fulfils a promise to his 8-year-old fan

Justin Jansen van Rensburg asked his mother Istelle to deliver water to the people in Cape Town. Justin's favourite Capetonian Emo Adams was at the airport to receive the gift. 

emo meets istelle
Emo Adams

A small act of kindness from eight-year-old Justin Jansen van Rensburg showed us that most often in life it truly is the thought that counts. 

Justin wanted to donate water to the people of Cape Town, to ease the current crisis. He asked his mother, who was due in the city for business, to pack two 2l bottles of water in her luggage. She asked him who the water was for, and he replied: "anyone".

 ALSO READ: Young boy has a very creative solution to the Cape Town water crisis

Rian spoke to mother and son on-air about this thoughtful gesture:

Emo made good on his promise, and met up with Istelle at the airport in Cape Town to receive Justin's gift:

Justin could not be there to deliver the gift himself, as it was his first day at school.

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