Derby Secrets: Rian is wondering who this soccer fan was hiding from?

Derby Secrets: Rian is wondering who this soccer fan was hiding from?

During this past weekend's Soweto Derby, a fan who saw himself on the big screen immediately ducked behind a seat.

soccer fan hiding

Half of the fun of the Soweto Derby is watching the fan reactions. Everyone in the stands always uses huge amounts of energy while supporting their teams, and if they can have a quick ten seconds of fame for their efforts, then it's even better. 

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During this past weekend's match, the camera landed on the face of the one fan who did not want anyone to know that he was at the stadium. 

Watch as he ducks and dives to avoid the camera:

ALSO READ: Rian asked these super fans why everyone should support South African soccer

It can be a little embarrassing to suddenly spot yourself on-screen when you weren't preparing to make an appearance. However, the way he hid so quickly - despite the fact that his sunglasses were already doing a good job of hiding his identity - made people question whether he was hiding a much bigger secret?

Perhaps the two lucky Scenic Drive listeners who won tickets to the Derby on Friday's show could shed some light here?

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