Croc attack survivor Peter Knottenbelt shares his remarkable story

Croc attack survivor Peter Knottenbelt shares his remarkable story

A family trip to the Kruger National Park turned into a test of wits and strength for Peter Knottenbelt. 

peter knottenbelt
Jacaranda FM

When Peter Knottenbelt and his granddaughter were walking along the Olifants River in Limpopo, he only expected to catch a beautiful sunset, but the fates had something else planned. 

On a whim, Peter decided it would be fun to walk across the river. No possible danger came to Peter's mind, and the presence of a rope swing on a tree nearby indicated that many had crossed the river before. As he took his first steps, he felt a crocodile under his feet. 

He described the fateful moment to TimesLIVE: "The moment I stood on the crocodile’s back‚ it reacted with violence‚ gripping my right leg in its jaws and throwing me from side to side. I heard bones in my leg being crushed. While I fought for my life‚ I thought it was futile against such a large predator."

peter knottenbelt ii
Jacaranda FM

Peter says that in the moment he made peace with the fact that he was not going to survive. 

But he did survive, and he credits the medical personnel who helped him as well as the prayers and support of those around him for that. Peter also says the attack gave him renewed purpose: "This second chance at life stimulates me further to support humanity in any way I can."

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