Car thief can't get the monkey off his back

Car thief can't get the monkey off his back

A man in Florida was arrested for car theft as well as "possession of an unlicensed monkey".

monkey on his back
NYPost screenshot

Police in St. Petersburg, Florida arrested 23-year-old Cody Hession for car theft after a vehicle was taken out of a resident's driveway. Cody drove the stolen car over 50 kilometers to the nearby town of Holiday, where he was apprehended. 

Police did not know that Cody's second passenger would be a monkey.

It would turn out that Cody, who claims that he bought the monkey from a breeder in South Carolina, does not have a permit to keep an exotic animal as a pet. This information prompted police to add a "possession of an unlicensed monkey" charge to Cody's sheet.

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Police handcuffed Cody and had him fill out the necessary paperwork, all with the monkey clinging to him. It seems the animal was both Cody's partner in crime and his best friend. 

Cody had to give the monkey over to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

He may physically be separated from the animal, but what will Cody do about the other monkey on his back - his criminal tendencies. 

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