British man takes a tumble down the Thames

British man takes a tumble down the Thames

What was supposed to be a refreshing end to a teambuilding session became a funny story that will be told at many office Christmas parties to come. 

What is the best way to end a teambuilding session? A stroll next to the Thames river, of course. If the weather is good, as it so rarely is in England, you would be a fool not to take advantage of the sunshine.

But it turns out taking a dip in the Thames is not a good idea for several reasons. 

James Moss asked a friend of his to shoot a video of him jumping into the Thames to cool off after a hard day's work. The resulting footage turned out to be much more entertaining. 

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James's friend sets up the video, talking briefly about what's happening out on London's Embankment before panning to James and a companion confidently bounding down the stairs towards the river. Then things take a hilarious turn.

The cameraman had presumably planned what he was going to say to make the video work, but he is unable to finish his sentence when he spots James falling on his stomach, bumping down several stairs and falling into the river. 

What was meant to be a quick dip turned into more of a haphazard dunk in the water.

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