Bride 'wears' Prosecco on her wedding day

Bride 'wears' Prosecco on her wedding day

Kelly McMillan found a way to incorporate her love of Prosecco into her wedding day style.

bridesmaids toast
Unsplash/Photos by Lanty

Wedding receptions, even those planned with the best interests of all guests in mind, can be tiring and stressful. That's what makes Edinburgh bride Kelly McMillan's idea to "wear" 50 glasses of Prosecco on her dress so great: she found a way to create a talking point and a fun photo opportunity, while also doing away with the hassle of the "open bar" concept. 

Kelly asked a local blacksmith to create a metal hoop skirt replica that could hold glasses of alcohol in it. At the reception, Kelly stood inside the skirt and had a chat with her guests as they each walked past and grabbed a glass of Prosecco. 

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Kelly enjoyed the novelty the skirt added to her reception: "It was fantastic, it's much more personal than just sticking a table full of Prosecco and letting guests grab one. You just stand in it while they grab a glass and you can speak to them."

The dress was the idea of one of Kelly's friends, who saw a picture of a similar "champagne dress" online and immediately knew it would be perfect for her Prosecco-loving friend.

The Prosecco dress was a hit with Kelly's guests and she now plans to rent the special wedding accessory out to future brides: "I hope other brides will be able to enjoy it themselves too, I don't want it to go to waste."

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