Botswana president jokes about Zuma and Ramaphosa

Botswana president jokes about Zuma and Ramaphosa

A few months ago at a Southern African Development Community (Sadc) gathering, Botswana President Ian Khama joked about the President and his deputy.

Jacob Zuma Cyril Ramaphosa_ddw
South African President, Jacob Zuma, with the newly elected ANC President, Cyril Ramaphosa. Photo: Denvor de Wee/Visual Buzz

The Botswana President, Ian Khama started his speech by thanking Mswati III, the King of Swaziland, for hosting the meeting commenting on the opening 'Reed Dance'.

He then proceeded to remark upon the exceptional fact that a head of state and his deputy were both attending the gathering, suggesting that the chance of seeing the ‘maidens’ was the reason that Cyril Ramaphosa was accompanying Jacob Zuma to the meeting.  

The comments were met by a ring of laughter through the audience. Watch the hilarious video below.

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