Afrikaans neighbours rush to help in Mogale City man's time of need

Afrikaans neighbours rush to help in Mogale City man's time of need

Lentswe Mokgatle found help from an unlikely source when his farm caught on fire. 

a man puts out a veld fire
Thankfully the farmer did not have to stand by and watch his place go up in flames. /Unsplash/Neil Thomas

Lentswe Mokgatle, former mayor of the West Rand's Mogale City, could not have predicted that his farm would catch fire. 

Once he discovered the situation he called the fire brigade. And then something that displayed true humanity happened: many of his neighbours, all white Afrikaans people, rushed to the farm with buckets of water to douse some of the flames, thereby preventing the worst damage. Lentswe posted pictures from the incident to Facebook

Rian told listeners that this story changed his mind about South African's and their capacity for kindness. 

He encouraged everyone to look around in their communities and take stock of all the positive things happening there. 

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