This 26-year-old works NINE jobs to keep her community together

This 26-year-old works NINE jobs to keep her community together

Sarah Moore lives on the island of North Ronaldsay in Scotland and holds nine jobs simultaneously.

sarah moore
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When it comes to keeping a community functioning, everyone needs to pitch in. If you are willing and able, it is your responsibility to do whatever work you can to make life easier for the next person, right?

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Sarah Moore, a 26-year-old woman from North Ronaldsay in Scotland, takes this responsibility very seriously. After moving to the small island, which has a total population of 45 people, two and a half years ago, Sarah has taken on nine different jobs. 

In any given week, she is a firefighter, a caregiver for the elderly, a postman, a shepherd, and a baggage handler at the airport, among other things. Sarah says she enjoys the feeling of accomplishment that she gets after a long day:

With this many jobs going on at any given time, Sarah's chances of achieving job satisfaction are certainly very high!

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