WATCH: nearly half of women have back up lovers

WATCH: nearly half of women have back up lovers

"The Back Up Guy". The "Back Burner Lover". Any which way you look at it, women are said to increasingly be taking matters into their own hands and are opting into having additional relationships with other man, while in steady relationships such as lifetime partnerships and marriage. 

back up lover

A study carried out by among 1000 women in the UK revealed that about half of women have a man in the shadows as plan B should their current relationship end.

As to who 'The Plan B' might be, it is more likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for her; it could also be an ex or a colleague or someone she met at the gym. Additionally, it was discovered that 'Mr Plan B' is probably someone she has known for around seven years and more likely someone that would be ready and waiting for unfinished business.

Ladies, tell Bridget: do you have a backup lover or do you know someone who has a backup lover? Have they said why? #Workzone1 

WATCH: what do the trends around 'Mr Plan B' mean?

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