Say what?! Brazilian singer hospitalised after having a fart attack

Say what?! Brazilian singer hospitalised after having a fart attack

A classic case of when nature calls, you must respond... or be rescued by an ambulance.

Brazilian singer
Instagram / pocah

If you are not yet at that stage of passing gas in front of your partner, this might help you speed up the process.

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Viviane Pereira was taken to hospital after not wanting to pass gas in front of her partner and opting to keep it in.

Unfortunately, she learned a not-so-great lesson. Farting in the presence of your partner is now a medical requirement - as fart attacks are a real risk.

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The Brazilian singer posted on Instagram explaining how her trapped farts caused a health scare. She also warned women about doing the same; it is not worth it.

See image below:

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Image credit: Instagram

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