Mohale: I have no regrets, but I should’ve calculated my moves better

Mohale: I have no regrets, but I should’ve calculated my moves better

South African personality Mohale Motaung has opened up about his life, detailing the ups and downs but the entrepreneur remains firm that he has no regrets. 

Mohale Motaung
Jacaranda FM

“I only found out after everything happened. So, it was not in the moment, it was after,” Motaung said during an interview on Mornings with Mack Rapapali. 

Motaung said since childhood he faced several challenges but chose to embraced the headwinds and never allowed it to derail him.

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“We can go back as far as 2016 and 2017, those two years were so heavy I don’t know how I got out of them.”

Mack asked Motaung what he'd wish for if he had a magic wand.

“I wish I had better calculated my moves back then as compared to now – and not that there are any regrets, but I just wish that I could have calculated everything that I did so that could not find myself in a place that I was in.” 

Watch the conversation below. 

Image Credit: Jacaranda FM

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