Local boy wows people by confidently walking into first day of school

Local boy wows people by confidently walking into first day of school

It is very impressive to see such a young child entering a new environment with such confidence.

little boy going to school

A video shared by one very proud mother, Mama Hosi, showed her young son’s first day of school - and people loved it!

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In the video, you see the young boy at the threshold of his new school, but when the teacher comes to help him in, he simply walks past.

The boy casually walks through the door with hands in pockets and investigates the classroom like a professional.

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People loved the little boy’s confidence and commented: “Minister of Day care on a site visit”.

Watch the video below:

@mama_hosi Yah… Sanbown! Nithi iskole sasitheni? #1stdayofschool #grandentrance ♬ Ngud' - Kwesta

Image: iStock

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