Dalai Lama shares his thoughts on Brangelina divorce

Dalai Lama shares his thoughts on Brangelina divorce

The news of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce has left many of us shocked.

Dalai Lama

Who would have thought that after 12 years of romance and six children, the two would separate? Unbelievable!

Good Morning Britain Today host Piers Morgan recently asked Nobel Peace Prize winner, The Dalai Lama, to share his thoughts on the split, and like many divorces, the monk believes the separation will affect the children more.

Also read: Brangelina split up and Twitter is exploding

"It’s sad. Children might then come closer to their father or their mother, and that may harm their deep experiences or something psychological like that," the monk said.

Below is the rest of the interview.

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