You can be anything you want, even if it doesn't exist

You can be anything you want, even if it doesn't exist

The universe may like the law of attraction, but it likes a good hustle even more!


This sentence hit me hard, in a video posted to inspired Discipline on YouTube, Tom Bilyeu speaks to Lilly Singh about her new book "How to be a Bawse". 

She talks him through how she went from studying psychology, she wasn't passionate about to making a living doing something she loves every day! A career that never existed before she invented it! They discuss how hard work or "hustle" is the only way to make your dreams come true, that you can wish, pray or dream your life away but until you take that first step, nothing will happen! 

Lilly goes on to say that bosses are people who get hurt efficiently, explaining that it means there are no failures, only lessons. 

Why motivation is complete rubbish! *Video contains strong language

Watch her incredible talk here:

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