What does level 4 mean? The Good Things Guy explains

What does level 4 mean? The Good Things Guy explains

Monday's are never blue with Brent Lindeque! 

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

He's our resident 'Good Things' expert! With a massively successful podcast on Jacpod, and an award winning news website focussing on 'only Good Things', Brent has carved out a space in the world that is filled with Good! 

And, every Monday evening he joins us to share some of it! 

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Hey you, Just checking in to make sure you're okay today. Still feels surreal… what the whole world is going through right now but I think we got this guys. We're gonna get through this and be better for it on the other side. This photo was taken when I was in Namibia in Etosha, free and outside. Ridiculous how we take moments in our life for granted. Posting it now cause its actually such a good memory. When this is all done I am going to book another trip to the bush… and soak in every damn second. The next couple of weeks are going to be really, really tough. I think we're all going to have to be more thoughtful of each other, practice more kindness and love each other a little louder. Just want to say that I love you, and am here for you if you need me. #safeathomesa #lockedin #kindness #understanding #lovinglouder

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This week Brent explains what the levels mean and when we can buy ourselves a bottle of wine to celebrate the lifting of the alcohol ban! 

Listen here:

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