Wedding and engagement envy is real, here's how to deal with it!

Wedding and engagement envy is real, here's how to deal with it!

Social media is wonderful in that it connects us with freinds and family all over the world, but, it can be a dark place, especially when it comes to wedding and engagement envy.

wedding proposal pexels

With Christmas just around the corner, it's time to brace yourself for the "She said yes" or "I said yes" posts, showing off an impressive rock and a perfect manicure. 

Now, don't get me wrong, I am happy for the couple. But, even after ten years of marriage and my own perfect proposal, I am not afraid to admit, I have engagement envy. 

Kaley Cuoco from The Big Bang Theory recently shared her special moment on Instagram and had me in tears too!

So, what do you do while you either await your dream proposal or just dream about finding Mr. or Mrs. Right?

How do we stop feeling envious? 

We need to accept that the beautifully filtered and well placed world we see online isn't real, and the people in the images have all the same stresses and life struggles we do. Appreciate what you have. 

Single? Enjoy watching what you want to watch. 

Married? Enjoy that all the stress of a wedding is over and it's time to spend your lives together. 

Awaiting a ring? Enjoy the excitement! 

Also read; How to save money on your wedding day

Just in case you need some inspiration, I found the 9 biggest proposals on the interent. No pressure!

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