Watch: The most beautiful love story

Watch: The most beautiful love story!

In a video watched more than 24 million times, a woman recounts the most beautiful love story you will ever hear!

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As with all good love stories, this one has a tragic ending. Absolutely heart wrenchingly tragic and yet, at the same time it will have you crying tears of happiness.

Aryana Rose nervously gets up and recounts the story, staring shakily with “I was 45. And he was 29.” She goes on to recount the days filled with love and laughter. You feel her love, you want it. You long to experience the joy that they experienced. Calling him “the most extraordinary partner” she had ever had.

And then comes the tragedy. Watch it below, but be prepared to shed a tear!

What did you think of her act of selfless love? Have you ever experienced anything similar?

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