Top 5 regrets from the dying

Top 5 regrets from the dying

If you die today, what would your 5 regrets be? The more you think about them, the less they become about money and materialistic things.

old woman hands pexels

The Guardian online asked people who were dying what their top 5 regrets are and it will have you re-evaluating your life!

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Speaking to a Nurse from Australia called Bonnie Ware, who has spent the last few years of her life caring for those in the last weeks of their lives she told of how the same regrets came up each time. In order, here are what they said:

1. "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected me to live. I wish I had followed my dreams."

2."I wish I hadn't worked so hard and so much, I missed out on so much because I was always working."

This one reminded me of a video from Jay Shetty, the millennial monk.

Also WATCH: 5 minutes for the next 50 years of your life!

3. "I wish I'd had expressed my feelings more and not kept everything bottled in."

4. "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends."

5. "I wish that I had allowed myself to be happier."

Do you have any regrets? What steps will you take to change that?

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