"Sanitary towels are a luxury" Angela Yeung on climbing Kili for Caring for girls!

"Sanitary towels are a luxury" Angela Yeung on climbing Kili for Caring for girls!

We take many, many things for granted every day and sanitary pads are one of them. For millions of young girls, though, they are considered a luxury! 

Angela Yeung
Angela Yeung - Facebook

In the economic climate in South Africa and with more than half of the country's families living below the poverty line, sanitary towels are not high on the list of necessities. Often, not on the list at all. 

Also listen to: "I will have to take medicine for the rest of my life, but I will live!"

I was blessed to recently meet the incredible Angela Yeung, owner of Impilo Collection and mom to a daughter who through her own struggles growing up, teamed up with a group of phenomenal women to climb Kilimanjaro twice to raise funds and awareness for the Caring For Girls charity! 

In our chat, she spoke about coming from a mixed-race family and moving to South Africa in the height of apartheid. She talks about her journey into creating the life she wanted and how she spends her time giving back! But also, how Thuli Madonsela lost her sight on the climb and inspired Angela with her strength and courage! 

Another great podcast: "I was always known as the slow one at school" - record-breaking blind runner on her journey!

You can listen here:

Images taken from Angela Yeung Facebook and Instagram pages

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