Meet the Bloemfontein doctor who is changing medicine!

Meet the Bloemfontein doctor who is changing medicine!

He's the doctor we've all heard about, Dr Paulo Valdoleiros - the one who allows his patients to pay what they can afford!

Dr Paulo Valdoleiros

But how does he survive? How does he keep his business running and why did he start his practice this way? 

Also listen to: Breast cancer, an abusive relationship, and suicidal depression could not stop Samantha Stewart!

I got to speak to him about his life and his journey from the first moment he decided he was going to become a doctor, to many years thereafter getting into medical school and everything that happened in between! 

Another great article: 'I have struggled with depression for over three years' - Photographer turns his pain into art

You can listen to this incredibly inspiring man talk about his passion here:

He recently featured on the Beautiful News, in one of their videos showing his practice and talking about how he's changing medicine! 

You can follow Dr Paulo on his Facebook page! 

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