Meet the 90 year old Granny who travels the world!

Meet the 90 year old Granny who travels the world!

I'm guilty, I stalk travel blogs with green eyes and a heavy heart, feeling like I'm missing out. But, according to one woman, it's never too late to travel!

Airport plane solo traveller luggage

Baba Lena is 89 years old and has a massive Instagram following because she blows her pension on life experience and adventure! 

Not what you'd expect from a grandmother, right? Well, one look at her Instagram and you'll be saving even more for your retirement! Hailing from the Russian city Krasnoyarsk, before this she had only visited Prague, Poland and East Germany in the 1970s, but stopped holidaying abroad because she no longer had the time or money. Six years ago, at the age of 83, that all changed!.

Also read: Wheelchair bound man travels the world with the help of friends!

According to the, she became an internet sensation after meeting Ekaterina Papina, a fellow Russian traveller, in Vietnam. Papina's post on Facebook about her inspiring meeting with Baba Lena received 14,000 shares. And now, Baba has her own fanbase, 58 thousand people to be exact!

Baba travels alone and isn't afraid of anything - from meeting new people to sampling the local cuisine and cocktails!

It's never too late to change your life! And if this amazing woman is anything to go by, it's certainly never too late to have a bit of an adventure!

Overwhelmed? Had enough? Ready to quit? Watch this!

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