Lily Hollows opens up about having OCD!

Lily Hollows opens up about having OCD!

She is an incedible talent, having just released her debut EP 'Little Glass Girl' and she sat down with Danny to talk about her struggles with OCD.

Lily Hollows opens up about having OCD!
Lily Hollows - Supplied

Born in South Africa and brought up in the UK, Lily Hollows is everything her name sounds like she would be, beautiful, gentle with the deepest eyes and the most incredible voice! 

Having just released her first EP while studying at AFDA in Johannesburg she is a busy young woman, and as it turns out, she's also an incredibly strong young woman. 

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Having been diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) at a very young age, Lily tells Danny that she always felt she was different from her schoolmates and how she was afraid to reveal her diagnosis with her peers out of fear! 

But, she did, in the form of a poem in front of her entire class and she says the reaction was incredible! 

She opens up about how her OCD trickles into her music and how she deals with it. She also agreed to share the poem she wrote with Danny!

Another great article: Singer Kim Churchill chats about his Chamberlains Hot Hit!

You can listen to the audio here:

If you need help, please reach out to The South African Depression And Anxiety Group (SADAG) on 011 234 4837.

Also read: The Rocky Balboa of our time speaks about mental health

Image courtesy of Lily Hollows PR. Instagram courtesy of Lily Hollows Official Instagram.

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