Too adorable! This is how Karlien van Jaarsveld keeps her kids busy during the school holidays

Too adorable! This is how Karlien van Jaarsveld keeps her kids busy during the school holidays

Every year it’s the same old story: how do you keep the kids busy during the school holidays? Parents don’t sweat it, there is plenty to keep little ones busy and entertained - just ask Karlien van Jaarsveld.

Zooday with these loves @suna1suna1

A post shared by Karlien (@karlienvanjaarsveld) on

The Afrikaans singer shared the most adorable pics of her twins having a ball of a time at the Zoo. “Zoo-day with these two cuties,” she captioned on the photos of herself, her friend and her sons on her Instagram post.


Karlien, Daniel en Eliah and Karlien’s friend sharing some pics of their visit to the zoo. Photo: Facebook

Karlien’s Instagram post received more that 4500 likes within a few hours. 

Let Renaldo know how you kept the kids busy during the school holidays? Comment below.

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