Good Morning Angels: Young boy fights Leukemia and Guillain-Barré syndrome
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
The Good Morning Angels community comes together as young Tjoppie fights Leukemia and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

BACKGROUND: Johan “Tjoppie” Fourie from Pretoria North started the school year as an active, healthy Grade 3 boy. He is the eldest child of Johan snr and Corné and big brother of Sené, who is in Grade 1. Johan and his friends from Laerskool Stephanus Roos love playing rugby and cricket. At the end of July, Johan developed a fever – his mom took him to the hospital, where he was treated with antibiotics. His condition however didn’t improve and his mom took Johan back to the doctor. The diagnosis was a shock: Johan had aggressive Leukemia. He received three chemo sessions a week and at the end of August, Johan was in remission. All he had to do to leave the hospital, was get up and walk. Johan got out of bed, but collapsed into a coma for two weeks. He was diagnosed with a brain virus and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Johan has not been able to leave the hospital in two months. He has only recently woken up, but cannot speak or walk. He is able to breathe on his own now. His friends, family and school community have rallied around him and his family, who – despite having a medical aid – is struggling to keep up with the emotional and financial cost.
YOU CAN HELP: If you would like to support the Fourie family with Johan’s medical treatment and expenses, please make a donation to.
Account name: JL Fourie
Capitec Bank acc: 1416837483
Branch: 470010
REQUEST FOR: Johan “Tjoppie” Fourie and his family
REQUEST FROM: Andri Theyse and the Laerskool Stephanus Roos community
ANGEL 1: Sandy Cipriano, founder of Cupcakes For Kids With Cancer
SPONSORING: Cupcakes for Kids with Cancer had a national Cupcake Day fundraiser this past weekend. They will assist Johan’s family with R30 000,00 for his medical needs.
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: The GMA Fund NPC will match that and donate R30 000,00 towards Johan’s family to help with fixing their car and other expenses they have to deal with due to his illness.
ORIGINAL REQUEST: Liewe Good Morning Angels,
Ons het asseblief julle hulp nodig met ‘n Graad 3 seun van Laerskool Stephanus Roos in Sinoville, Pretoria.
Johan Fourie (sy bynaam is Tjoppie) is nou al vir twee maande in die hospital, nadat hy met Bloedkanker Leukemia gediagnoseer is.
Einde Julie 2019 het Johan koors gehad. Sy ouers is hospitaal toe met hom waar hy antibiotika gekry het. Maar sy toestand het nie verbeter nie. Eerste Maandag in Augustus het hy ‘n pediater by die plaaslike Hospitaal gaan spreek wat bloedtoetse laat doen het. Bloedtoetsuitslae het Beenmurgkanker en Leukemia bevestig. Daar is dadelik met chemo begin by die Onkologie afdeling van ‘n hopsitaal in Centurion.
Johan het op Maandae en Donderdae chemo via ‘n direkte inspuiting gekry en op Woensdae via die “port”.
Die Onkoloog het bevestig het dat die kanker agressief is en dat Johan op 29/08/2019 in remissie moes wees.
En dit was toe genadiglik ook so.
Hy het stadig begin verbeter en dokters het gesê as Johan op die betrokke dag self kon loop dat hy ontslaan kon word. Toe hy opstaan, sak hy inmekaar.
Dokters het toetse gedoen en hom met “Guillain-Barré” sindroom gediagnoseer. (Dit is betyds behandel en is gestop onder sy knieg).
Verdere toetse toon toe ook dat Johan ‘n virus op sy brein het en hy is na ICU oorgeplaas.
Johan was vir twee weke van September 2019 in ‘n koma gewees. Hy is nou al een week in ‘n “sedasie-koma” en dokters is tans besig om die morfien te verminder.
Twee weke gelede is Johan van die ventilator afgehaal en is ‘n trachea ingepant.
Agv alles wat nou gebeur het is Johan nou 3 weke agter met sy chemo-behandeling.
Johan se pa, Johan senior werk by Rooiwal en sy ma Corné by ‘n aftree-oord. Sy bak ook vir die plaaslike Tuisnywerheid. Johan het ook ‘n sussie in Graad1, Sené. Hoewel die gesin ‘n mediesefonds het, is die uitgawes verbonde aan Johan se behandeling besig om op te hoop. Die vervoerkoste daagliks tussen Pretoria-noord en Centurion is astronomies en dan het hulle kar ook gebreek. Johan senior kan die herstelwerk self doen, maar hulle kan nie die parte bekostig nie.
Ons is ‘n groep mammas was koppe bymekaar gesit het om te help.
Die hele skoolgemeenskap ondersteun die Fourie-gesin en bid vir Johan, maar ons het Good Morning Angels se hulp nou dringend nodig. Dit sal wonderlik wees as meer mense kan saamstaan met Johan en sy ouers.
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