Good Morning Angels: Yola desperately needs new beginning after traumatic revelation
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Yola has experienced immense loss in her adult life and today Good Morning Angels and Lotto Star aim to make the load lighter.

BACKGROUND: Some 30 years ago, her daughter died of brain cancer at the age of seven. She now has three daughters - a 32-year-old, who has a seven-year-old daughter of her own, then a 26-year-old daughter, who had meningitis and has stunted brain development, and 21-year-old Nikki, who has cerebral palsy. They all live together. Both Yola and her eldest daughter are artists. In February this year, her husband left for a job in the Congo and that’s when a traumatic revelation slammed her to the ground. Her seven-year-old granddaughter told her that “oupa” had molested her since she was six. Her 26-year-old daughter broke down and revealed that the same had happened to her, for the past 21 years. Yola is devastated that the man she loved could have done this. She knows that 21-year-old Nikki was also traumatised by this - she’s not sure if she too was molested, but she knows that she saw what had happened.
All this as lockdown hit and Nikki had to go for another operation. Yola is adamant that they will stand up and carry on, but they need counselling, a tumble dryer for Nikki’s clothes and bedding, and some assistance with rent and essentials.
After her husband left, she confronted him and she says he admitted everything - but he is in another country and left the devastation he caused behind.
That’s why Yola wrote to Good Morning Angels for help: “I just want a breather from all the worry and need, to be able to get up and be strong."
EQUEST FOR: Yola and her family
ANGEL: LottoStar … with love
SPONSORING: LottoStar is joining forces with Good Morning Angels with a special "With Love” fund to give added assistance to as many people as possible during this challenging 2020 pandemic. Yola and her family need a breather, so they can make a fresh start and to assist with this, LottoStar will assist them with R30,000 for the tumble dryer, assistance with rent, and materials for their art.
Ek vra nederig hulp eenmalig vir my Mooiste Engelkind.
Nikki. Sy is deur ongelooflike trauma die afgelope 6 maande... erge molestering van haar en haar sussie en 'n operasie waar sy 'n code blue gehad het in Februarie die jaar.
Ons moes self deur die lockdown cope en geen hulp van polisie of beraders.
Nikki is Vrydag nag per ambulans opgeneem met akute pyn en braking.. scans het opstruksie bevestig en stoma heel uitgedruk. Sy is Maandag-oggend 8.30 nood geopereer en is was in Wilgers Critical kardio ICU....
Sy is nou weer by die huis omdat hulle haar so gou as moontlik uit die Covid-omgewing wou kry, wat baie sleg is met haar lae imuunstelsel...🙏 Ek benodig heelwat goed en 'n tuimeldroeër waarin net haar kleertjies en beddegoed droog gemaak word. Ek moet ook die hele huis deur sweepsouth laat steriliseer. Ek het spesiale voeding vir haar nodig en vra nederig dat julle my asb sal kan help om my Engelkind veilig by die huis te kan hou en ek alles in plek te hê. Ek kon nie eers by wees met operasie nie en sy huil elke dag soek haar mamma. Sy is 21-jaar oud en weeg net 28 kilogram.
Na die erge molestering is sy bang sy verloor haar mamma ook en sy het ongelooflike Post traumatiese stres.
Mag ek nederig🙏 vra of ons die hulp kan inkry…
Ek vra weereens baie....baie nederig ASB.
Yola (Dis my skildernaam)
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