Good Morning Angels: We Buy Cars donates R50,000 to Isabel’s education
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Despite her learning difficulties, through hard work and a strong will to succeed, Isabel is the Star student in her grade and also Head Girl of the school.

BACKGROUND: Isabel is in matric in a school for Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN) in Springs. This school assists students with epilepsy learning difficulties like dyslexia and severe ADHD. Her two younger sisters are also in the school and her younger brother is autistic.
Her motivation for studying hard is to become a teacher, to assist learners like herself, with special needs like her own siblings and fellow pupils.
She qualifies for acceptance to study at Aros in Pretoria next year, but she needs proof that she can pay the class fees of R60,000. Isabel's parents both receive only a SASSA government grant and she cannot qualify for any loan. As the matric final exams draw nearer, Isabel’s teacher, Catherine van Schalkwyk, advised her to reach out to Good Morning Angels for assistance.
REQUEST FOR: Isabel Pienaar from Springs
REQUEST FROM: Catherine van Schalkwyk will be with Isabel
ANGEL 1: Wynand Beukes from We Buy Cars
SPONSORING: We Buy Cars will assist Isabel with R50,000 towards her tuition fees to fulfil her dream of study teaching at Aros next year!
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: The GMA Fund will add another R10,000 to make up the full R60,000 tuition fees needed for Isabel’s studies next year!
Hi Martin,
My naam is Isabel Pienaar. Ek is 'n matriek leerder aan Dr WK du Plessis Skool (Dis 'n LSEN-skool vir leergeremde leerders in Springs. Ek is as hoofmeisie aangewys in die middel van 2019 ( my graad 11 jaar) en presteer akademies ook top in my klas.
Dit is my droom om onderwys te gaan studeer, om in spesiale onderrig in te gaan, omdat ekself in so 'n skool is en my boetie outisties is. Daar is net een GROOT struikelblok wat my keer, en Ek het gewonder of Good Morning Angels my kan help...
My ouers is nie instaat om my met die finansies te help om te gaan studeer nie. Ek kan ook nie 'n studentelening kry sonder iemand wat vir my borg kan teken nie, en ek kan slegs eers aansoek doen vir 'n beurs sodra Aros my aanvaar, waarvoor iemand ook weer moet borg teken, anders kyk hulle nie eers na my aansoek nie.
Aros is vir my 'n goeie opsie omdat ek vir my 'n werkie kan kry deur die week en dan Saterdae klas hardloop. Sodoende kan ek dan geld bymekaar maak om huur te kan betaal, petrol geld hê en kos op die tafel kry...
Ek is so moedeloos oor hierdie struikelblok, en al waaraan ek kan dink is hoe ek my droom gaan kan bewaarheid. Hoe gaan ek 'n verskil in spesiale onderrig kinders se lewe kan bring..
Ek vra nie maklik vir mense vir hulp nie, aangesien ek groot gemaak is om nie bakhand te staan nie, maar 'n onderwyseres het my aanbeveel om vir julle te kontak.
Ek hoop om van jou af terug te hoor.
Vriendelike Groete
Isabel Pienaar.
Catherine van Schalkwyk (onderwyseres)
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