Good Morning Angels: Relief for pensioners Sarie and Nick and their three grandchildren
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
The Fourie family’s lives have changed dramatically in 2020. Today, Roman’s Pizza steps in to help.

BACKGROUND: Sarie and Nick Fourie are pensioners. With each only receiving a SASSA grant of R1,860 a month, they live in a flat at their daughter, Janine, and her three children, Jodan (16), Milla (13) and Zack's (11), home in Alberton. However, since July, their lives and that of their family have changed dramatically. On the 5th of July, the children’s dad, Mitch, died after a battle with cancer. Janine and Mitch were divorced. Then, only eight weeks later, Janine died in her home.
This was a massive shock to her children and her parents. No provisions were made for the children by either of their parents and overnight, Sarie and Mick became the parents for their now orphaned three teenaged grandchildren. Sarie and Nick moved into the house with the grandchildren and are in the process of getting legal guardianship. Now, the focus is on exams but then they will have to face the reality that they may lose the house and shoulder the emotional and financial burden of raising three children. That’s why Nick’s sister wrote to Good Morning Angels for assistance.
REQUEST FOR: Nick and Sarie Fourie from Alberton and their recently orphaned grandchildren
REQUEST FROM: Jeanette van den Heever
ANGEL: Bonnie Cooper, MD of our Festive sponsors, Roman’s Pizza
SPONSORING: Roman’s Pizza will assist Sarie and Nick with a donation of R35,000 to assist with some of the financial burden of raising three teenagers, after the deaths of their daughter and her ex-husband.
Goeiemore Angels,
Ek skryf namens my broer, Nick Fourie(70), sy vrou Sarie, en hulle drie kleinkinders, Jodan (16), Milla (13) en Zack (11) van der Mescht.
Die drie kinders het albei hulle ouers hierdie jaar verloor. Hulle pappa, Mitch van der Mescht is op 5 Julie oorlede en skaars 8 weke later is hulle mamma, Janine van der Mescht ook oorlede.
Die ouerpaar was geskei en Janine was werkloos by tye van haar dood.
Die drie kinders bly huidiglik saam met ouma Sarie en oupa Nick in hulle wyle ouers se huis. Daar is ongelukkig geen polisse, of enige ander soort geld wat uit die boedel na hulle toe sal kom nie. (En dit is ook moontlik dat hulle die huis kan verloor.) My broer en sy vrou sien om na die kinders, en ontvang 'n kranige Sassa pensioen van R1860 per persoon.
Dit is my wens, dat julle die kinders se eerste Kersfees sonder hulle ouers, 'n bietjie meer rooskleurig sal kan maak. Dis regtig 3 pragtige kinders wat bietjie geluk verdien.
Vriendelike en hoopvolle groete,
Jeanette van den Heever
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