Good Morning Angels: Mother relieved for help for sick son
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
PJ Opperman was a healthy, happy 25-year-old with a bright future. At the end of last year, PJ started feeling ill.

BACKGROUND: He started losing weight. Early in the new year, it got worse. Maybe stomach flu? A few doctors’ visits later, it was confirmed that PJ had stage 4 melanoma cancer - in the stomach. This shook his world and that of his family. With no medical aid, PJ was referred to Steve Biko Academic Hospital. The news from the state hospital was grim - there is only one treatment available for his condition, which the state hospital does not provide. This treatment is very effective, but comes at a cost: R82,000 per treatment and he needs six.
PJ’s family and friends jumped into action with fundraising, bake sales, garage sales - anything that could possibly bring in money to pay for his treatment.
PJ has been for four treatments now and he’s responding very well, but there are another two treatments required at a cost of R164,000.
That’s why PJ’s mom, Annelie, wrote to Good Morning Angels for assistance.
REQUEST FROM: Annelie Opperman
ANGEL: Gert Scheepers, Chief Executive Officer of the ICC Group
SPONSORING: The ICC Group and its members had a golf day last week and raised the full R164,000 needed for PJ’s last two cancer treatments!
Goeie More, ek vertrou dit gaan goed.
Ek Sal nooit op jou probeer en aanhou en aanhou,......
My seun, PJ Opperman is 25 jaar oud, it is so 2 maande gelede gediagnoseer met Melanoom kanker stage 4.....
Wat n skok was dit nie,....geen kanker in ons familie, ...Hy is nog so jonk....
PJ het einde 2020 begin gewig verloor,... die kleur in sy gesig het begin bleek raak,... teen Januarie 2021 het by begin swak voel, hy het n dokter gaan sien en is behandel vir n maaginfeksie,.....steeds nie 100% gevoel daarna, en terug na 'n ander Dr. Die Dr het gese dat hy vermoed inwendige bloeding en PJ verwys na spesialis in Pretoria vir kamera sluk om vas te stel waar die bloeding vandaan kom.......
Dr het vasgestel op daardie stadium dat daar 2 gewasse is een in die limfklier en een rondom die dunderm.....PJ is opgeneem om biopsie te kan doen asook bloed oortaping..... (sy bloedtelling was baie laag) Ons het nie finansies , of medies en familie het ons bygestaan om Hospitaal kostes te kan dek.... eers het Dr vermoed dat dit limfklier kanker Is,.....maar na 2weke se gewag het biopsie terug gekom, Melanoom stage 4.........dr het ons verwys na Steve Bikho ... ....Vir PJ se toestand is daar net een tipe behandeling wat hom 'n kans gaan kan gee,.. hul het met ons bevestig vir n verdere 3weke later 'n afspraak......intussen is daar 'n paar keer aan ons gese dat die staat nie hierdie tipe behandeling bied nie,.....ons het aanhou glo dat die Dr ons nie soentoe sou verwys het as daar nie behandeling is nie.
Intussen moes PJ vir n 2de keer bloedoortaping kry,....en op Dinsdag 12 Mei is ons na Steve Biko....en net bevestig , hulle kan nie vir PJ help nie.
Die vlam van hoop het skielik in my kind se oe doodgegaan,.....NEEEEEEEEE Ons as ouers kan nie toe kyk hoe ons kind net moet wag......In die privaat sektor is hierdie behandeling beskikbaar teen R82000 per sessie, en in die begin is daar 6 sessies.....en later weer......Ek pleit by almal asb help Ons, Here wees ons genadig asb,. ......Hierdie kind van my het nog soveel om te bied.. . ...hy verdien n tweede kans op lewe.....
Asb , Asb help ons. Ek pleit asb vir hulp!!!!!!!
Annelie Opperman
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