Good Morning Angels: Making Maritza's dream come true
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Maritza's life changed dramatically one day and now it's about making her dreams come true.

BACKGROUND: Maritza is a 36-year old woman with a BSC-degree in Bio-chemistry, Chemistry, and Psychology. She was happily married at the age of 31. In 2011, Maritza underwent a neck operation. Two days after the op, everything changed. She suffered blood clots through both lungs, which prevented her brain from getting oxygen.
Doctors told her mom, Magda, that she would not survive and that she would die if she was taken off the ventilator. Magda prayed and hoped that her daughter would prove doctors wrong. The next day, Maritza’s oxygen levels stabilised to near normal. She spent two months in ICU and another three months in rehab and went home with Magda in a wheel chair, unable to sit upright or speak. Magda nursed her like a baby for a second time in her life and only later discovered that Maritza had also lost her ability to see.
Maritza’s husband left, but mother and daughter got by on their own, despite great financial and physical difficulty. Maritza’s biggest joy is music. Her radio is always on - Prime Circle and Watershed are her favourites. Magda wrote to Good Morning Angels asking for help to do something special for Maritza.
Take a listen to Maritza's story and the amazing help our angels are going to give.
REQUEST FOR: Maritza Botha
ANGEL 1: Kim Vermaak, General Manager, The Barnyard Theatre Rivonia
SPONSORING: Kim will book a table for Maritza and Magda and their friends, for dinner and a show at their Rivonia Barnyard Theatre.
Magda, Maritza and their friends are also invited to the Barnyard Theatre at Silverstar Casino in May, when local rock band 'Prime Circle' will be performing. They will also organise a ‘meet-and-greet” for Maritza with Ross and the lads.
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund
SPONSORING: The GMA Fund will help Magda and Maritza with R15,000 towards medical bills and expenses or buying some equipment to help Magda care for Maritza.
Goeie dag
My dogter, Maritza Botha, het einde 2011 'n nekoperasie ondergaan. Twee dae later het sy bloedklonte deur beide longe gekry. Sy was lank sonder suurstof.
Die dokters het gese dat sy nie gaan leef maar sy het geveg. Sy was twee maande in ICU en daarna 3 maande in Rehab.
Ek versorg haar tans tuis. Ek werk en woon by 'n gastehuis in Linden, Johannesburg. Ek kry 'n klein salaris van R5000 en verblyf. Ons sukkel al 5 jaar voort, maar nou kan ek nie meer alles bybring. Dis medikasie, Caregiver, doeke, ens ens ens.
Behalwe vir minder as 'n handvol wat elke maand tussen R50 - R100 vir haar inbetaal het ons geen hulp nie.
Ek kan haar nie meer in die rolstoel stoot, dus gaan ons nooit uit nie. Naweke, vakansiedae is ons altyd net tussen die vier mure. Kan nie bekostig om 'n elektroniese rolstoel met die nodige hystoestel aan te skaf nie. Sy is so baie lief vir musiek ek wil so graag na Prime Circle of Watershed gaan luister wanneer hulle by die Barnyard in Cresta is, maar ek kan net nie die kaartjies bekostig nie.
Sy het 'n BSC graad in Biochemie, Chemie en Sielkunde en was 'n sprankelende mense-mens wat almal om haar gehelp het. Nou is al haar vriende weg.
Sy is ook blind, kan nie haar balans hou nie en praat onduidelik aangesien sy nie genoeg spraakterapie kon kry. Haar verstand is skerp maar haar brein en tong sukkel om saam te werk.
Asseblief, sy "need a break", bietjie uitgaan om haar gelukkig te maak. Sy is 36. Die operasie was toe sy 31-jaar oud was. Sy was getroud, maar haar eggenoot het haar in ICU gelaat vir dood.
Sy is so liefdevol en ek wil haar asseblief bietjie gelukkig maak.
Haar naam is Maritza Pretorius (Botha). Ek is Magda Botha en woon in 'n een slaapkamer cottage.
Ons sukkel baie.Ek verstaan dat daar miljoene mense is wat hulp nodig het en dat almal nie gehelp kan word. Ek vra asseblief, ons lewe nie meer, maar bestaan net. My hart kry so seer as ek na haar kyk en sien hoe sy sukkel en dan se sy Mamma, ekskuus ek is 'n las. Ek moes vir jou gesorg het.
Magda Botha
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