Good Morning Angels Follow-Up: Bidder helps a young star with his future
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Bidding for our Springbok Rugby future: Helping a young star with the help of you and Tag Heuer

BACKGROUND: Nande Maduna is a 17-year old with big plans and passion for the future. Living with his unemployed mom and two brothers in Reiger Park on the East Rand, Nande knows poverty and how to make due with the little you have. That’s why, when Nande runs onto the rugby field, he makes the most of every minute, because Nande was born with loads of rugby talent. He caught the eye of former Springbok and current president of the SA Rugby Legends Association, Stefan Terblanche as well as provincial rugby coaches Timmy Goodwin and Adriaan Scheepers at a schools rugby tournament. “Nande stood out like a sore thumb in the Gauteng team, scoring three of the five tries in the final against an Italian regional team”, remarks Terblanche.
Nande is one of a number of talented underprivileged school rugby players, that have been taken in by the Vuka Programmes, designed and run by the SA Rugby Legends Association.
The aim of Vuka is to spot talent, to nurture, support and develop talented young players and to give them a fighting chance to represent their province and country in professional rugby.
More info:
REQUEST FOR: 17-year old Nande Maduna from Reiger Park
REQUEST FROM: Stefan Terblanche, former Springbok and president of the SA Rugby Legends Association
Breakfast with Martin Bester auctioned a Tag Heuer Aquaracer watch, with a very special Springbok green Bezel.
The winning bidder was Wimpie Carelse, who has paid R100 000,00 to ensure that Nande can be supported to make his rugby dreams come true.
Breakfast with Martin Bester and Dianne Broodryk invited Wimpie to the studio to collect his watch.
What Carlse did not realise was that Nande was also in the studio. Nande surprised Wimpie Carelse and gave him the watch.
The moment was extremely special.
Watch the moment below:
Ons het vir Nande ontdek as ‘n speler by een van die Vuka skole, Reiger Park, in 2016. Hy is gebore in 2002 en was op daardie stadium nog ‘n onder 14 speler, maar reeds in Graad 9.
Dié jaar was ook die eerste jaar van die Vuka program in die Valke streek.
Nande is toe gekies vir die Iqhawe week span.
Hy is toe weer in 2017 ook gekies vir die Iqhawe week span.
In 2018 word Nande gekies vir die Grant Khoma A-Span asook die Gauteng o/16 span wat in die Tr-Calore Games gaan speel het in Italië.
As gevolg van die feit dat die Italië toer en die Grant Khomo op dieselfde tyd was, het Nade egter net vir die Gauteng span gespeel. Hy word toe ook die jaar in Graad 11 ingeskryf by Elspark Hoër Tegniese Skool. Omdat Nande engels is, was daar nie ‘n ander skool waarna ons hom toe kon skuif nie.
Nande het soos ‘n seer duim uitgestaan in die Gauteng span en teken ook 3 van die 5 driee aan in die finale wedstryd teen die Italiaanse streekspan. Timmy Goodwin, Adriaan Scheepers en myself het duidelike aanduiding gegee dat die seun ver bo die ander uitsaan en julle sal ‘n paar gesprekke kan herroep waar die seun se naam genoem is.
Nande het Graad 11 deurgekom. Hy gaan egter nou weer Graad 11 oordoen sodat hy nog 2 jaar o/18 rugby kan speel.
Hoërskool Kempton Park het hom nou genader en hy het die skuif gemaak van die begin van die jaar af, maar omdat Nande Engels is kan hy nie skool gaan by Kempton Park nie en hulle het hom by ‘n tuisskool ingeskryf.
Daar is ‘n koste van R2700 per maand, maar om Hoërskool Kempton Park tegemoet te kom het die dame die koste afgebring na R2000 per maand.
Die skool gaan haal hom dan elke dag by sy woning in Reiger Park en kry hom by die tuisskool. Hulle sien ook om na sy skoolklere en sportklere by Hoërskool Kempton Park.
Die vraag aan julle is of daar enige fondse beskikbaar is waar ons vir Hoërskool Kempton Park kan bystaan om die toekoms van die seun se rugbyloopbaan te verseker.
Good Morning Angels and one special listener raised over R100,000 for Nande.
Spar surprised Nande and his family with a R20,000 food voucher.
* A limited edition Springbok Tag Heuer Aquaracer watch, with special, Springbok green Bezel. This is number 94 of only 200 made
* Plus, Tag Heuer will host the winning bidder and a partner at the Springboks vs Australia test on 20 July 2019 at Emirates Airline Park, in one of SA Rugby’s Hospitality suites.
* Plus, an exclusive, Springbok rugby experience, a day before the test match. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for any Springbok Rugby connoisseur, that money cannot buy.

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