Good Morning Angels: Helping those desperately in need of water
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
The Angel Wings Care Centre was founded by Willem and Berdina Boshoff some 17 years ago. They have become a haven for homeless and destitute people of all ages over the years, providing shelter, food, clothing guidance and assistance with finding employment. They used to rely on their borehole for most of their water needs, but the hole has caved in an they need to have it re-drilled.

REQUEST FROM: Pieter du Toit
REQUEST FOR: Angel Wings Care Centre
ANGEL 1: Anria van Heerden and the Caring Daisies
SPONSORING: The Caring Daisies will contribute R30 000,00 towards a new borehole for the Angel Wings Care Centre
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund
SPONSORING: The GMA Fund will top-up the Caring Daisies donation for a new borehole for the Angel Wings Care Centre and other necessities with another R30 000,00
BACKGROUND: The Angel Wings Care Centre was founded by Willem and Berdina Boshoff some 17 years ago. They have become a haven for homeless and destitute people of all ages over the years, providing shelter, food, clothing guidance and assistance with finding employment. An average of 80 people are cared for at any given time and this currently includes 7 school-going children at the Centre that require school supplies as well as transport to and from school and for extra-mural activities. They used to rely on their borehole for most of their water needs, but the hole has caved in an they need to have it re-drilled. This will go a long way to serve the residents of the centre, at the lowest cost - however they need around R60 000,00 to have the borehole fixed.
More info:
Good Morning Angels,
I would like to ask help for the Angels Wings Care Centre. They are in desperate need of water, after their borehole collapsed. They are a non-profit organisation and depend on donations from the public and companies. They are getting municipal water, but this is costing them around R6000,00 a month - as they look after around a hundred people at a time. The hole is there, but it needs to be re-drilled. The centre has been around for more than a decade, and has helped thousands of people.
Food supplies and funds are low, but they are doing their best to keep afloat. I attached a letter of their centre as prove of their story, where they’ve been till now.
Kind regards
Pieter du Toit
Angel Wings Care Centre was founded by Willem & Berdina Boshoff in November 1999. The centre was started in a small building that was used as a creche. That building was taken over by Smiley Kids and Angel wings moved to the old Dunswart Hotel. On the 14th may 2001, the Centre was featured on M-Net resulting in a flood of homeless, needy and under-privileged persons arriving at the Angel Wings Care Centre.
The area in which the Dunswart Hotel was situated became a security risk, as it was situated in an area that attracted elements that threatened the safety of our children and elderly persons, should they wanted to venture outside of the premises. After using Dunswart Hotel as our base for 5 years we were enabled by the grace of God to purchase a plot at Putfontein, Benoni. We promptly moved on to our new premises that we still occupy to this day.
It is the mission of Angel Wings Care Centre to provide for the under-privileged and needy - and in doing so the Centre supplies housing, food, clothing, assist with obtaining employment and guidance.
Presently we average about 80 persons of all ages housed at the Centre. There are presently 7 school-going children at the Centre that require transport to and from school. These children also require transport should they participate in any extra-mural activities at school. Besides the normal school fees there are always extra costs for stationary, textbooks, uniforms, medical fees, etc. The parents of school-going children do community work at the schools to offset some of the costs - but unfortunately there is always a shortfall. The ever increasing costs of providing our children with quality education and medical care is our biggest hurdle at present. The centre also cares for smaller children/infants and covers the cost for their medical care and everyday upkeep.
Unfortunately the Centre also has to manage the situation, when one of our residents pass away. Angel Wings Care Centre is grateful for the assistance that Martins Funeral Services provide in ensuring that our deceased persons receive a dignified funeral. However, even with the assistance of Martins Funeral Services, there is a shortfall of +/- R5000 per burial that the centre is liable for.
In the sad event that Angel Wings care Centre should close its doors a great number of persons (inclusive of children and the elderly) would be left on the streets to fend for themselves – a situation no sober minded person would like to witness. People in need wandering on the streets with no assistance creates endless social-economic problems which our communities can not afford.
Other than providing our residents with their basic human needs. the centre also assists them with employment opportunities, guidance and assistance in basic life skills. The Centre deems each of our residents as productive members of the community, a human being that has stumbled somewhere on the road - and it is the mission of this Centre, to assist our residents to uplift themselves and once again take up their rightful place in the community. The Centre also cares for HIV positive and disabled persons.
The Centre is in dire need of funds and material to do alterations and additions to our buildings on the plot. The Centre is presently constructing ablution facilities for our disabled persons, a general dining hall and upgrading of buildings is a never ending venture. Any assistance in our building program, cash donations or material donations, would be received with open arms and appreciated.
Angel Wings Care Centre would like to make use of this opportunity to thank you, your families and businesses for your support in the past, even though we realise that everybody is going through tough economic times. Please feel free to contact the Centre should you wish to assist the Centre. You are cordially invited to visit our Centre whenever it suits you.
Willem and Berdina Boshoff.
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