Good Morning Angels: Helping a passionate career-nurse fight Covid-19
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Elmarie’s greatest passion is nursing and she desperately wants to return full-time to assist during the Covid-19 pandemic.

BACKGROUND: Elmarie van der Walt, 49, has 30 years of experience as an ICU and trauma nurse.
Elmarie has already put her name down as a volunteer to serve in the Tzaneen area, but in order for her to do so, she needs to re-register with the SA Nursing Council. The fee to do this is R3,380 - which Elmarie cannot afford and she asked Good Morning Angels to assist.
Elmarie has been working as a freelance wound-care nurse for the past four years, after taking a voluntary retrenchment package. A few years before this, she lost her fit and healthy 48-year-old husband, Jan, to an aggressive form of blood cancer. He died nine weeks after he was diagnosed, leaving behind Elmarie and their 14-year-old daughter.
It’s been eight years since. Elmarie’s daughter is qualified as a teacher and has moved away from Bela-Bela, where the family lived for 28 years. Elmarie found love again and moved to Tzaneen in Limpopo to start her new life. The lockdown has taken its toll on Elmarie’s ability to do her freelance nursing and she wants to return to the frontline to make a difference. Asked if she was worried about contracting Covid-19, she answered: “If we were all afraid, there would be no frontline to fight this pandemic. Our country needs all its medical personnel and I want to serve. This is my calling and my duty."
REQUEST FOR: Elmarie van der Walt
ANGEL: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: The Good Morning Angels Fund will assist Elmarie with a donation of R10,000 to enable her to re-register as a nurse and assist with household essentials
Goeie môre,
My naam is Elmarie en ek is 'n geregistreerde verpleegkundige met meer as 30 jaar se ondervinding in teater ongevalle en ICU.
Ek wil bitter graag terugkeer na die beroep waarvoor ek dink ek geroepe is en waarvoor ek ongelooflik lief is. Ek het die afgelope tyd vele emosionele en finansiele trauma deurgemaak. Ek wil nie dat dit my onderkry nie.
Ek het onlangs as vrywilliger geregistreer om tydens die Covid-19 Pandemie in hospitale te gaan werk waar daar werklikware hulp aan frontwerkers nodig is...en glo my ek wil gaan help...ek wil werk en my deel bring soos wat my Etos ook in my hart brand. Ek wil deel wees.
My probleem is dat ek nie op SA Nursing Council rol is nie en dus nie mag praktiseer nie. Om op die rol geplaas te word moet ek R2680 betaal en hierdie jaar se registrasiefooi wat seker R700 is. Ek het dit nie...waar ek gaan hulp kry weet ek nie. Al wat ek oor seker is is dat ek iewers my hulp en diens moet gaan aanbied om daar te wees vir dié wat my en ander soos ek in 'n moeilike tyd bitter nodig het.
Asb kan julle my help...
Warm Winter groete
Elmarie vd Walt
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