Good Morning Angels: Granny on a mission to save her grandson’s life
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Tertius desperately needs a life-saving kidney transplant.

BACKGROUND: Bonny van Rooyen, 55, from Honeydew is on a mission to save her eight-year-old grandson. Tertius lives in Egypt with his twin-brother, Johandré, mom Chanel, and stepdad Kgaled, after they moved there in December 2016.
Bonny and her husband took care of the twins for the first three years of their lives, after their dad (her son), Johan, died in a road crash when the boys were just five months old. Tertius’ health problems started just a few months after their move to Egypt. He was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome - a kidney disorder that causes the body to pass too much protein in the urine - which also causes severe swelling. In December last year, Tertius’ heart stopped, and he fell into a coma for ten days. Since then, he’s been in and out of hospital with his doctor advising that a kidney transplant was the only way to save his life. He is too ill to fly, and the transplant needs to be done in Egypt. Tertius’ mom, Chanel, is a donor match - but the procedure will cost R300,000.
On top of this, Bonny needs to get to Egypt to look after the twins and Chanel once the transplant has been done. Many angels have rallied around this granny to get the funds together to save her grandson. They’ve managed to raise R270,000, but time is running out.
Bonny has meanwhile lost her 78-year-old dad to COVID-19 last week. After losing her son to a car crash seven years ago, she cannot bear to lose her grandson, too.
REQUEST FOR: Eight-year-old Tertius van Rooyen and his family
REQUEST FROM: Gustave Schoombee from iPlayiCare
ANGEL 1: Christo Bezuidenhout on behalf of The Round Table
SPONSORING: The Round Table will assist Tertius and his family with the last R30,000 needed for him to get his life saving kidney transplant in Egypt
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: From our Jacaranda FM listeners, the GMA Fund will assist the family with another R30,000 to help with logistics and other costs to make Tertius’ operation possible
Tertius het siek geword in Maart 2017 nadat die gesin in Egipte gaan bly het. Hulle het oorgegaan in Desember 2016, nadat hulle ma met ’n Egiptiese burger getrou het. In Maart 2017 het dinge vir Tertius begin verkeerd gaan. Hy is een van 'n tweeling en sy boetie, Johandré is 100% gesond. Tertius se hart het gaan staan en dokters was baie bekommerd. Hy was konstant in en uit die hospitaal met swelling en water-retensie a.g.v ’n nierkwaal wat veroorsaak dat die urine wat in sy lyfie inlek. Hy moes konstant albumien kry vir swelling. In Desember 2020 het Tertius ’n mediese aanval gehad en in 'n koma gegaan. Met die verslae wat sy ma gestuur het, het ek met my dr gepraat en dit vir hom gestuur. My dr het my gebel en gesê ons moet voorberei want Tertius gaan nie wakker word nie. God het ons seuntjie gespaar en hy het wakker geword. Hulle het weer toetse en biopsie gedoen en 60% nierskade - Nephrotic Syndrome het omgesit in Fibrose wat beteken die skade is permanent en kan nie genees nie. In April 2021 het sy dr gesê ’n nier oorplanting is die enigste uitweg. Omdat hy so jonk is, wil dr nie dialise doen nie want dan sal hy vir die res van sy lewe so moet lewe. Sy creatinien is tans 3.6 en kan nie oor 4 gaan nie want dit kan veroorsaak dat sy hart en lewer aangetas word. Tertius was eergister weer vir verdere toetse en scans en die dokter het gesê sy ander nier sal ook verwyder moet word.
Die Koste van die Skenker en Tertius se operasie beloop R300 000. Ons het tans R270 000 ingesamel. Ek is regtig bekommerd dat daar nie meer baie tyd is nie, maar ons bly positief en glo dat alles sal uitwerk. Tertius is nog steeds in Egipte en sy dr sê hy is te swak om te reis. So die operasie moet in Egipte gebreur. Nadat die operasie gedoen is, sal Tertius se ouma Bonny na hom en sy ma omsien vir omtrent 6 maande tot hulle altwee herstel het en dan kan hulle terug SA toe kom vir goed. Van my kant af as Uitvoerende hoof van iPlayiCare sê ek byvoorbaat dank dat julle 'n poging gaan probeer aanwend om ons met die seuntjie te help.
Gustave Schoombee
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