Good Morning Angels Festive Edition: Taking the financial strain off a family's shoulders to help their 6-year-old son
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Charmaine le Roux is a 36-year old mother and wife to Francois. Their son, Aiden is going to Grade 1 next year, a big event in any household. For Charmaine, her son’s first day of school is an extra big day, a day she hopes to share with him and his dad. Charmaine is terminally ill with cancer.

REQUEST FROM: Lindie du Toit
REQUEST FOR: Charmaine le Roux
ANGEL: Rozelle Pieterse/Brigid Da Silva from our fabulous new Festive Edition sponsor, West Pack Lifestyle
SPONSORING: West Pack will help Charmaine and her family deal with some of their financial pressure and making sure that little Aiden goes to Grade 1, with a contribution of R30 000,00
BACKGROUND: Charmaine le Roux is a 36-year old mother and wife to Francois. Their son, Aiden is going to Grade 1 next year, a big event in any household. For Charmaine, her son’s first day of school is an extra big day, a day she hopes to share with him and his dad. Charmaine is terminally ill with cancer. She has spent many weeks in hospital in Pretoria, away from her family in Lydenburg. Her cancer has progressed to stage four. She has spent more weeks in a hospice in Pretoria, but recently went home, to be with her family. Charmaine’s mom looks after her, while Francois works to cover the ever increasing costs. Charmaine’s friends know her as a dedicated loving mother and wife, an athlete with the most beautiful legs, a happy, lively and sometimes “naughty” fun friend. They’ve asked Good Morning Angels to help them help their friend to have peace of mind, so she can focus on her son and husband.
Ons wil groot asseblief vra vir hulp.
Charmaine Lategan, 36, (nou getroud le Roux) is vrou, mamma (van Aiden 6) 'n atleet, (hardloop al jare, mooiste bene), borellende, lewendige, liewe en tog stoute vriendin, vir wie haar vriende, haar gesin en kennise sooo bitter lief is. Sy is ‘n steunpillaar in haar familie en die oudste tussen die twee sussies.
Ons vriendin is 2 jaar gelede gediagnoseer met kanker. Charmaine was Maart 2015 in remissie, maar na 'n been skandering in September 2015 moes sy uitgevind dat die kanker versprei het, graad 4 en dat dit in ‘n hele paar dele van haar skelet is. Die been kanker was en is steeds sekonder wat behandeling soveel moeiliker maak, omdat hulle nie die primere oorsprong nog nie kon behandel nie. Hulle weet wel dat die primere oorsprong ‘n Neuro-endokriene tumor is wat hoegraadse kwaadaardige toestand is, en op die oomblik in SA, medies gesproke geen genesing daarvoor is.
Van toe af het ons 'n moeilik pad gestap, haar gesondheid is op en af, en sy moes weens mediese redes (inkontinensie) agv die kanker hierdie jaar in Mei maand ook ophou werk. Charmaine kan ook nie meer oefen, bestuur of alleen loop nie, sy is in ongelooflike baie pyn, soveel so dat mens haar ligaam met tye onwillekeurig sien beweeg en trek.
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